
Prògram Choinnich

Date 07 January 1998
Track ID 12466
Part 1

Track Information

Original Tape ID

Program Choinnich 07.01.1998


An account of the life of Lachlan MacLean from Coll.

An account is given of the life of Lachlan MacLean from Coll. He was born at Arnabost on the Island of Coll from where he went to Glasgow and he ran a shop there. He had two nicknames 'Lachlann na Gàidhlig' and 'Lachlann nam Mogan' (Lachlan of the Gaelic and Lachlan of the Stockings). He has been praised as one the four best writers of Gaelic prose. His first book, a collection of hymns, was published in 1828. He wrote a number of books and amongst them was 'Adhamh agus Eubh' (Adam and Eve, 1837) which argued that Gaelic had been the language of the Garden of Eden. One of his close friends was Norman MacLeod, 'Caraid nan Gàidheal. John MacKenzie, who edited ''Sàr-obair nam Bàrd Gaelach', and Ewen MacColl, the Loch Fyne bard, were frequent visitors to his Glasgow shop. The shop was a popular meeting place for Gaels in Glasgow.

Item Subject/Person

MacIllEathain, Lachlann [Lachlann na Gàidhlig/Lachlann nam Mogan]

Recording Location

County - Ross and Cromarty

Parish - Stornoway

Island - Lewis

Village/Place - Stornoway

Item Location

County - Lanarkshire

Parish - Glasgow

Village/Place - Glasgow





Source Type


Audio Quality
