
How Jeannie Robertson's mother fought 'the terror of the nor...

Date 1961
Track ID 16074
Part 1

Track Information

Original Track ID


Original Tape ID



How Jeannie Robertson's mother fought another woman.

'The Terror of the North' was a woman whose husband was a boxer and had taught her to fight scientifically. Once when the Travellers were camped at the market stance at Alford, this woman quarrelled with Jeannie Robertson's father, then wanted vengeance on her mother, Maria. Other women tried to keep Maria away from the camp because she had a week-old baby with her, but she would not be deterred. 'The Terror' hit Maria in the face, so she handed the baby to the other women and fought her. Maria knocked down 'The Terror' and she admitted defeat. However 'The Terror's' husband then kicked Maria and split her eyebrow. Jeannie's grandfather then kicked the man. Although the man was reported to the police for kicking Maria she did not press charges.

Years later Maria pointed out 'The Terror of the North' to Jeannie at Blairgowrie. Her face was all scarred with the fights she had been in. Maria attributed her success in the fight to her bad temper.

Item Subject/Person

Higgins, Maria [Stewart, Maria] [Robertson, Maria]; The Terror of the North

Recording Location

County - Aberdeenshire

Parish - Huntly

Village/Place - Huntly

Item Location

County - Aberdeenshire

Parish - Alford

Village/Place - Alford





Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
