
Jeannie Robertson describes the aftermath of eclampsian fits...

Date 1965
Track ID 23445
Part 1

Track Information

Original Track ID


Original Tape ID



Jeannie Robertson describes the aftermath of eclampsian fits: her sight was affected, and she could not remember her baby son.

When Jeannie Robertson came round after suffering from fits she did not recognise the hospital she was in. Her mouth was sore from the instruments that had been in it to prevent lockjaw. A kind sister gave her warm milk from a teapot. Jeannie was in hospital for six weeks before she discharged herself. She could only see things in a blur. When a sister who had attended her during her pregnancy came in, Jeannie could only recognise her by her voice. The day after that Jeannie felt better and had no more fits. Her baby son was brought to her so that she could feed him. She had no memory at that time of having a baby son.

Item Subject/Person

Robertson, Jeannie

Recording Location

County - Aberdeenshire

Parish - Aberdeen

Village/Place - Aberdeen





Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
