Calum Ferguson - New Artist in Residence
We are delighted that Gaelic artist Calum Ferguson has been awarded an arts residency with Tobar an Dualchais and ATLAS Arts to explore and create work relating to the recordings on our website.
Calum is from North Uist and the nature, ecology and Gaelic culture which surround him there have been major influences in his work. He is a visual artist whose practice is multi-disciplinary and includes expressive painting, film, immersive installations, and metal and woodwork.

Research plays a central part in Calum’s creative approach and he very much welcomes the opportunity to be able to spend an extensive amount of time carrying out research on the TAD website as part of the residency.
Calum graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2021 with a degree in Production Design. In his degree show project, entitled ‘Athurachadh’, Calum examined the challenges faced by young people and new entrants to crofting. This included the impact that the Covid pandemic was having on the already difficult situation faced by young people due to the existing housing crisis and the effects of the climate change on the islands.