Re-use of material

Re-use of material

Using recordings from the Tobar an Dualchais website

Recordings hosted on the Tobar an Dualchais (Kist o Riches) website are generously made available to us by our three archive partners – the School of Scottish Studies Archives (SSSA) at the University of Edinburgh, the BBC, and the Canna Collection (National Trust for Scotland).

Third-party use of these recordings is possible, consent of all copyright holders permitting. If you would like to request use of the recordings, the protocol for the individual collections is as follows:

School of Scottish Studies Archives

Faodaidh tu èisteachd ri clàraidhean Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba (SSSA) air an làraich-lìn seo gu prìobhaideach no ann an suidheachadh foghlaim. Ge-tà, chan fhaod thu dad sam bith a luchdachadh a-nuas no lethbhreac a dhèanamh dheth. Tha na còraichean anns na clàraidhean glèidhte aig an Sgoil agus aig na fiosraichean, agus feumar cead airson lethbhreacan fhaighinn no airson a bhith a’ cleachdadh nan clàraidhean ann an dòigh sam bith eile. Faic na Riaghailtean Cleachdaidh airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.

Nam bu mhath leat lethbhreac fhaighinn de chlàradh sam bith airson a chleachdadh gu prìobhaideach no ann an suidheachadh poblach (mar eisimpleir, foillseachadh no craobh-sgaoileadh), cuir fios gu Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba aig at Tillidh luchd-obrach na Sgoile thugad cho luath ’s a ghabhas.

Material from the BBC and Canna Collection

To request use of recording from these two collections, please email , specifying the recordings sought and where and how you plan to use them. We will then approach our partners and other copyright holders to request use of them.

It is advisable that you request use of the recordings as early as possible to ensure that our team and our partners have sufficient time to process the request and to contact the relevant parties. A request for use does not guarantee that you will obtain permission to use the recordings – copyright holders can and do refuse permission for reuse.