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‘There’s gold on those rocks’
Seaweed in abundance was a ‘golden fringe’ to island life and for centuries provided food, fodder and fertilizer. As with land plants, there are many species of different shapes and sizes and they vary between localities with about 600 species round the coasts of the British Isles.
Turn the quern always sunwise
A line from a Skye song, Cuir an car deiseal am feasda den bhràth, should remind us that moving or circulating ourselves or things must be done clockwise and following the sun. The right action is recommended in the proverb Deiseal air gach nì or ‘Sunwise with everything’. In our case here, the advice relates to setting the ancient hand mill or quern to work, and the song was sung as you worked.
Halloweens Past: Gìsearachd, Cabbage Stalks and Egg Whites
Oidhche Shamhna or Halloween is one of the most important and longstanding celebrations of the Celtic festival calendar. Its original significance – centred on themes of fertility and harvest, the protection from evil through the appeasement of gods.