Duncan Williamson talks about how he remembers stories and w...
Track Information
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Duncan Williamson talks about how he remembers stories and where they came from.
The stories that mean the most to Duncan Williamson are animal stories and stories he heard at school. He remembers stories by remembering the situations when he was told them, and the tellers. His father told him stories until he was about nine or ten. Talk of other storytellers, including Johnnie MacDonald. Talk of Duncan's own storytelling. Talk of where stories came from, including school, a book of the Arabian Nights which his great grandfather read and then told to the other Travellers, and stories learned abroad by Traveller men, for instance in the Boer War.
Recording Location
County - Fife
Parish - Cupar
Village/Place - Tarvit Farm
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality