Halloween divination using an egg in a glass of water.
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
Halloween divination using an egg in a glass of water.
Casting the glass was a ritual undertaken at Christmas and Halloween, which used to be a big event. A wine glass was two-thirds filled with water and the white of an egg was dropped in and allowed to stand until the white had risen. The shape would foretell the subject's life. Peter Pratt recalls casting the glass in his house and seeing the shape of a croft - a house with a few stacks standing in the back, just as his place was at the time of recording.
Mrs Pratt adds that with the coming of cars people now run from parish to parish without stopping in their own place [at festival times].
Recording Location
County - Orkney
Island - Orkney Mainland
Parish - St Andrews and Deerness
Village/Place - Toab
Item Location
County - Orkney
English, Scots
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality