

Discover more about Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches in the blogs published here, which cover a wide range of fascinating subjects from the website. We also publish information about our events, projects and resources in this section. Blogs are added on a regular basis so please re-visit this section to view the latest ones and keep up to date with what we’re doing.


Remembering Iain Fhionnlaigh – the Berneray fieldworker

Liam Alastair Crouse examines the life and work of Ian Paterson who was key in helping to collect and document the folklore of the island of Berneray.

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Calum Ferguson: TAD/ATLAS Residency Progress

In July 2022, Calum Ferguson from North Uist, began his online residency exploring recordings available on Tobar an Dualchais. Here is what he had to say about progress so far:

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One million words transcribed on the Tobar an Dualchais website

We are delighted to tell you that over a million Gaelic words have now been transcribed on the TAD website. We hope this makes the Gaelic recordings easier to follow for some of you. Amongst the transcribed recordings are 313 Gaelic songs, 521 stories and 67 radio features. And this number continues to grow.

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A rich harvest from autumnal traditions

Many of the traditions associated with harvest across Scotland come from a time when people were far more connected to the land, to the cycle of the seasons, to the patterns of the agricultural year – a time when the whole community would depend upon each other for their well-being and survival.

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A folk villain in Augmented Reality

The Protestant Reformation in the 16th century combined state, religion, language, and land tenure into an explosive mix. This article will explore the oral accounts of an infamous character who consolidated his power through murderous plots.

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Calum Ferguson - New Artist in Residence

We are delighted that Gaelic artist Calum Ferguson has been awarded an arts residency with Tobar an Dualchais and ATLAS Arts to explore and create work relating to the recordings on our website.

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