
An t-each-uisge agus Tarbh na Leòid a' sabaid ann an Heisgei...

Date 1956
Track ID 7936
Part 1

Track Information

Original Track ID


Original Tape ID



The water-horse and the bull (Tarbh na Leòid) fighting in Heisker.

In summer, women in Heisker washed clothes in a loch away from the township. They always went in twos as a water-horse was said to be in the loch. The people reared a bull in case it was ever needed to fight the beast. A woman once went to the loch alone and a handsome man approached her while she rested. He sat beside her, put his head on her lap and slept. He had gravel from the loch in his hair, and hooves, and she realised that he was the water-horse. She managed to get away without waking him, but soon heard him chasing her. As she neared the township, she cried for the bull (Tarbh na Leòid) to be let out. The bull and water-horse fought; the bull drove it into the sea and they disappeared. The woman took to her bed and never rose again. Many years later, the bull's horn came ashore. It was used as bar on a gate for many years.

Item Location

County - Inverness-shire

Island - Heisker (Monach Islands)

Parish - North Uist







Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
